Films from the SWC that are very good
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I have received an e-mail from the Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC) that I would like to pass on to you. May it richly bless you.
SWC Films: The History of the Current Crisis
Israel is in crisis once again facing rocket attacks on her own cities. People everywhere are focused on the Arab-Israeli conflict. An excellent way for you to share with family and friends the history of this conflict are three important films from Moriah Films, the Academy AwardTM winning film division of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
Narrated by Morgan Freeman
Academy AwardTM Winner for Best Documentary Feature
The Long Way Home examines the critical post-World War II period between 1945 and 1948 and the struggle of the tens of thousands of displaced Jewish refugees to find dignity and renewal in the aftermath of the Nazi Holocaust. Click here to purchase the film...
Narrated by Michael Douglas
"In Search Of Peace" chronicles the first two decades of Israel's existence, offering new insights on the origins of the Middle East conflict. The film weaves together historical narrative, anecdotes and dramatic personal stories, drawing on interviews with the leaders who helped make that history. Click here to purchase the film...
Narrated by Kevin Costner
Ever Again examines the resurgence of violent antisemitism and terrorism which is at the root of the current crisis that threatens Europe and all of Western civilization. It exposes the dangerous Islamic extremism and culture of death being preached from the mosques of Europe’s major cities and its impact on the recent attacks in Madrid and London. Click here to purchase the film...
If you already own these films, please donate them to your synagogue, church, local library or school by clicking here....
I have received an e-mail from the Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC) that I would like to pass on to you. May it richly bless you.
SWC Films: The History of the Current Crisis
Israel is in crisis once again facing rocket attacks on her own cities. People everywhere are focused on the Arab-Israeli conflict. An excellent way for you to share with family and friends the history of this conflict are three important films from Moriah Films, the Academy AwardTM winning film division of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
Narrated by Morgan Freeman
Academy AwardTM Winner for Best Documentary Feature
The Long Way Home examines the critical post-World War II period between 1945 and 1948 and the struggle of the tens of thousands of displaced Jewish refugees to find dignity and renewal in the aftermath of the Nazi Holocaust. Click here to purchase the film...
Narrated by Michael Douglas
"In Search Of Peace" chronicles the first two decades of Israel's existence, offering new insights on the origins of the Middle East conflict. The film weaves together historical narrative, anecdotes and dramatic personal stories, drawing on interviews with the leaders who helped make that history. Click here to purchase the film...
Narrated by Kevin Costner
Ever Again examines the resurgence of violent antisemitism and terrorism which is at the root of the current crisis that threatens Europe and all of Western civilization. It exposes the dangerous Islamic extremism and culture of death being preached from the mosques of Europe’s major cities and its impact on the recent attacks in Madrid and London. Click here to purchase the film...
If you already own these films, please donate them to your synagogue, church, local library or school by clicking here....
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