Comment Modifications
If you would like to continue reading my writings, I have moved to Loving God Holy at WordPress. Thank you.
I'm really sorry to inform that I've had to use the comment modification, because on this site of all my sites people have decided it was safe to put in my comments section sites that are diametrically opposed to the Bible and my beliefs! I hope you will understand. I will try to be swift about posting your legitimate comments. Thank you for your understanding and patience. God bless you all.
I'm really sorry to inform that I've had to use the comment modification, because on this site of all my sites people have decided it was safe to put in my comments section sites that are diametrically opposed to the Bible and my beliefs! I hope you will understand. I will try to be swift about posting your legitimate comments. Thank you for your understanding and patience. God bless you all.
At 7/20/2006 11:28 AM,
RumZoo said…
Do you mean to say that if my beliefs aren't the same as yours, my comments will not be tolerated? Well well well.
At 7/20/2006 11:41 AM,
Since religions are always a
deeply felt emotional experience,
and my Info blog deals with this
matter with all the respect and
dignity I can muster at 81 years,
I welcome you to analyse carefully
my Snake Hunters blog.
Your Comments are a welcome feature
that hopefully lends wisdom & goodwill to round-out the scrolls
of History, so lacking in todays educational systems. reb
Leave first name & town, please.
At 7/20/2006 4:29 PM,
Rosemary Welch said…
No. That is not at all what I intended. As a matter of fact, I have been writing for over 2 years without having to use this stupid moderation.
I am using it to keep advertizers and sex people off my site.
I will publish almost all comments, even the ones with which I disagree. Otherwise, I would appear to be in the same league as the NY Times! lol. Have a blessed day.
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I am moderating comments because I do not have the time to catch all the nasty comments ie. sexual in nature. I won't put up with that. If you want to get in touch with me, e-mail me or come over to Rosemary's Thoughts. Thank you.
Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.
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