Day 36 Mullahs
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"So the Word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith. Acts 6:7
About 200,000 Mullahs (Islamic clergymen) work in over 50,000 mosques and seminaries in Iran. They lead the Friday prayers; deliver sermons; officiate at weddings and funerals; and they are very active in numerous Muslim schools and charities. All of this means they have tremendous influence in the cities and particularly in the towns and villages.
As many of the government positions in Iran are held by Mullahs, some of these men are motivated by political power. However, we must remember that thousands of Mullahs are men who have never heard the Gospel and sincerely believe in the religion they were brought up with. Many have a longing to please God, and as their religion teaches, they strive to ensure that their good works outweigh their bad.
Many of these Mullahs can become obedient to the faith. Like religious men in Paul's day they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge. So today we want to pray for them with unceasing anguish in our hearts that they will understand the righteousness that comes from God and stop seeking to establish their own.
Let us go to prayer fully assured that our God is able to do far more than we ask or imagine. Let us also remember that we are praying for ordinary men with wives and children, with family problems, with financial challenges, with work pressure. They are people who face the inevitability of death with no assurance of sins forgiven.
As you pray with a loving spirit you will be part of what is probably the largest number of people to ever pray for Mullahs in Iran. So let us expect miracles and transformation in the lives of Iranian Mullahs and the masses they influence.
Lord "with one voice we pray":
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"So the Word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith. Acts 6:7
About 200,000 Mullahs (Islamic clergymen) work in over 50,000 mosques and seminaries in Iran. They lead the Friday prayers; deliver sermons; officiate at weddings and funerals; and they are very active in numerous Muslim schools and charities. All of this means they have tremendous influence in the cities and particularly in the towns and villages.
As many of the government positions in Iran are held by Mullahs, some of these men are motivated by political power. However, we must remember that thousands of Mullahs are men who have never heard the Gospel and sincerely believe in the religion they were brought up with. Many have a longing to please God, and as their religion teaches, they strive to ensure that their good works outweigh their bad.
Many of these Mullahs can become obedient to the faith. Like religious men in Paul's day they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge. So today we want to pray for them with unceasing anguish in our hearts that they will understand the righteousness that comes from God and stop seeking to establish their own.
Let us go to prayer fully assured that our God is able to do far more than we ask or imagine. Let us also remember that we are praying for ordinary men with wives and children, with family problems, with financial challenges, with work pressure. They are people who face the inevitability of death with no assurance of sins forgiven.
As you pray with a loving spirit you will be part of what is probably the largest number of people to ever pray for Mullahs in Iran. So let us expect miracles and transformation in the lives of Iranian Mullahs and the masses they influence.
Lord "with one voice we pray":
- That the Mullahs of Iran will hear the Good News. We pray that they will find copies of the Word of God, and learn about the Gospel from the Internet, Christian TV or radio programmes. We pray that they will meet and be impacted by the lives and testimonies of Christians. We ask that the Holy Spirit will speak to them in dreams and visions.
- We pray that a large number of Mullahs and their households will become obedient to the faith. We pray that the Holy Spirit will convict them of sin, convince them that Jesus is the Son of God and give them the grace to repent and confess Him as Lord and Saviour. We pray that they will find joy and peace in Jesus and that their needs will be met.
- We pray for the 23,000 young men and women studying Islamic theology in Islamic seminaries in Iran. We pray that as they study they will discover the freedom that comes by knowing the Truth in Christ.
Click here to view today's slide show.
At 6/29/2006 3:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
I have no idea of the mullahs in Iran, but we, Turks do more than to pray for you and write books, TV broadcastings, open schools, hospitals so that the some of the christians can see that Jesus is not the son of God, but a veyr valuable messenger of Him. We believe Mary is the Holy Mother of Jesus, but with no father. We, believe the Holy Spirit was the angel talking and teaching to Jesus, Muhammed or any other prophet. We believe, God spoke to Moses directly only, and he could not stand the power of Him, why there is an angel for that duty. We believe prophets are humans that are unable to commit a sin. We love Christians, Jewish and all the other people, unless they do not kill for religion. We lived in peace many centuries together, and respected our religions, in Istanbul, in Jeruselem, or in Mecca. We expect to see the same in Western countries. Regards,
At 6/29/2006 3:56 AM,
Rosemary Welch said…
Thank you, Jon. That is very kind of you. Yes, I agree it takes more than prayer, but prayer is a very powerful tool.
We may not believe the same, but I would never harm you or anyone else because of it. Life is very precious, because it comes from God. Only He should be able to take it.
I wish for a time when we could all respect one another. That would be so wonderful. Maybe someday soon...
At 6/29/2006 4:08 AM,
Rosemary Welch said…
Dear Jon,
BTW, I am working over at my other Loving God Holy site right now. Since I have started to make categories, I want to write the chapter over there, and then transfer it back over here.
Right now I am working on Matthew 7. Just in case you were interested. Have a blessed day.
At 6/29/2006 4:12 AM,
Rosemary Welch said…
I gave you the wrong URL. Loving God Holy. Try this one. Grr. (lol)
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