Loving God Holy

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Vote on Judges, Not Flags, Say Conservatives

This story, written by Monisha Bansal of CNSNews.com, takes the words right out of my mouth.
"Our constituents will not be put off by being told that the Senate has more pressing business than judicial nominees," said Jan LaRue, chief counsel for Concerned Women for America. "We know that judges affect every area of our lives and certainly the most important issues of life, liberty and property.

"We want actions, not excuses," LaRue said at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. "If Americans continue to see obstruction and hear excuses rather than debate and votes on nominees, senators should not be surprised that come November 8, the votes they want may not be there." [continue reading]
Now doesn't that sound about right?

Update: I am aware that the link is not working as of right now. Please be patient. I have e-mailed CNSNews.com to find the URL of where they moved the actual article. I didn't want to steal it by copying the whole thing. I am not, after all, the New York Times. lol. I will post it and let you know as soon as I have it straightened out. Thank you, and God bless you.

Category: Politics & Debate.


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