Loving God Holy

Monday, June 26, 2006

Day 33, Monday, June 26, 2006

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"I am 22 years old, I always watch your TV programs. I desperately ask you to show me the way to join the Christian faith and spend the rest of my life in peace and holiness, where there is no doubt."

In recent years Christian satellite TV has emerged as perhaps the most effective way of reaching large numbers of Iranians with the Gospel. Satellite dishes are very popular in Iran. Despite the fact that the government has banned dishes, there is an estimated potential 30 million viewers.

To reach this vast audience several ministries have worked to produce and broadcast Persian Christian television programs in the last few years. Now with 24 hour TV broadcasts into Iran many Iranians learn about the Christian faith in the privacy of their homes and as a result thousands are making decisions to follow Christ. Hundreds of phone calls and emails are received each month as people respond and ask questions or request Bibles and other Christian materials. Many write just to share their joy and how they found the Lord, like the young lady who wrote:
    "My sister and I became interested in Christianity through watching your programs. As a result we started researching the claims of Jesus. I have some good news: my sister and I have believed in Jesus. We love to worship Him.
For many believers, Christian TV provides their main source of teaching and encouragement for their walk with Christ and often house churches will gather around the TV. Broadcasts include preaching, Bible teaching and evangelism programs, discussion panels, leadership training, Christian worship and music videos, programs for youth and children as well as programs dubbed into Persian from other languages. But there is still a great need for more programs that will speak to the hearts of the people and that will help establish them in Christ.

So today, let us pray that God will use Satellite TV in increasing measure to reach Iran with the message of Christ:
  • Pray for all those already involved in TV ministry for Iran. Pray that they will be empowered by the Holy Spirit as they write, produce, direct and edit programs. Pray they will be led to deal with the topics and issues that will impact people in Iran. Pray the Lord will raise up more mature and anointed labourers who can develop new programs and shows.
  • Pray for families and house churches that regularly gather together to worship and learn from the Christian TV programs. Pray that they will be strengthened and will become established in the Word of God and will lead others to a saving knowledge of Christ. Pray also for isolated believers whose only church family is on the TV. Pray they will soon be able to fellowship with other believers in their communities.
  • Pray for those who live in the countryside and far reaches of Iran who have access to satellite dishes. Pray that they would stumble across Christian programming and be drawn to the love of Christ. Pray that through TV programs the Gospel will be preached into homes of unreached towns and villages. Pray that all attempts to block Christian programs will not work.
Thank you so much for praying.

Click here to view today's slide show.


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