Loving God Holy

Sunday, August 20, 2006

A Plea and a Prayer for Darfur, Sudan

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I have completed the five-part series with Mr. Jay McGinley on Darfur, Sudan. You will find it at Knickerbocker News. Please start with Part 1 and read through to Part 5.

He is an amazing man. He is willing to lay down his life in a peaceful form of protest until these lawmakers get moving and put troops in the Darfur region that are there to PROTECT (not rape, plunder, sell into slavery, etc.) these beautiful people. What are you willing to do? Have a blessed day.

The Fall and Redemption of Man v Evolution

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Genesis 2:15 and Romans 5:12, 18-19

Please take the time to read the whole chapter(s). I always recommend this, because it is not good to grab a verse out of the Bible and use it for a certain goal. Our Pastor did this today due to the restraint on time. He expects us to do the same.

1. Doubt: Did God really say...
2. Denial: You will not surely die!
3. Defame: God knows you will be like Him.

1. Let us discuss doubt. When Adam was alone in Paradise, he did not sin against God. He trusted God, and he was satisfied. So what brought doubt into his life?

When Satan approached the scene, he waited for the woman to be alone. Why? Was she not there when God told Adam the consequences of the ONLY commandment? No, she had not been created yet. She had been taken from the side of man, not in the same manner as man was created.

So what does this mean? It is my great suspicion that when we listen to people we know have no integrity and faith in the Lord, they are liable to attempt to mislead us. If we are not solidly grounded in the Lord, we will end up being one of those people who falls into the theory of "whichever way the wind blows." Why does this happen?

That is one of the amazing things about humans. They (we) have a deep-seated need to believe in something. Unfortunately, some of us end up believing in anything. There is an empirical thirst inside of us to question everything for some, some things for others, but always to question. To some people's dismay, on both sides of the discussion, one cannot see the other's side as feasible.

Now we are coming into the denial aspect.

2. Denial of God. Satan told the woman that she would not surely die. Is this true? Let us explore this in more depth. The woman already has doubt about God from listening to Satan in the first place without her husband to protect her. Now she is being told that all she had believed was wrong. But how could this be?

We all have what is known as a sinful nature. But this was before the fall of man, you say? That is correct, so how did it occur?
While we may wish to know the answers to questions pertaining to the origin of evil, Moses had no intention of supplying them for us here. The point God wishes to make is that we are sinful. To pursue more distant causes only removes our responsibility for sin from the focus of our attention. [continue reading]
This is so powerful to me. I love to read Bible.org. I was searching for when Satan actually fell from Heaven, and this is what I came upon. lol. Pretty cool.

I do believe the point is that what is true, it is true. To deny truth is to lie oneself. This is a very painful and lonely existence.

3. Oh really? Does God say we will be like Him, or does He say, "We cannot allow them to eat from the tree of eternal life"? Actually, He does say both. Why, then, would He not want people around who are just like Him? Ah, and that is where the sin problem shows it's ugly face.

Are you happy? Do you ever notice any of the burdens around the world? Do you know what causes most of them? No, it is not lack of money, but the corruption of the hands to whom the money fell. It is corruption, hatred, jealousy, violence, lies upon lies, and many other sources caused by sin. God is pure and Holy. He cannot look at sin, therefore, how could He possibly allow mankind to live forever?

I realize I am not saying this properly, and I know there are much better people than I that can explain it to you. Our message today was about the entrance of sin into the world by one man and the redemption of life by one man. It was through the sinless life and the evil cruxifiction of Jesus Christ.

Yes, I called His death evil. It was a necessary evil. That is one thing many people just cannot wrap their heads around. Especially those of us who would rather seek excuses not to obey God than to live by His Peace.

This is where evolution has filled the gap of the seeking unbeliever. You cannot challenge this theory, which has been debuncked for quite a while now, by our college professors. Darwanism was debunked several years ago.

Please, if you can show me evidence of a big bang or some other absurdity, then show me by all means! They cannot. Alas, they accept it as fact without the scientific process. This, my dear, is a faith for which I will not indulge.

Allow me to ask you one question to ponder. Do you believe in little green men? No? Do you spend your life's work trying to prove/disprove their existence?Hmm. Atheists do just that with our beloved God.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Part 2 is ready

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I've been working on my new template on my cyber newspaper. I hope you like it. Part 2 of the interview I did with Mr. Jay McGinly. It is now ready to be read. He is quite an interesting man, indeed.
4. Would you like to tell us why you are on a hunger strike for the people of Darfur, Sudan?
I reject the notion that we have no responsibility for our brothers and sisters, no matter their location or the color of their skin. Just as in the parable of the Good Samaritan, who is my neighbor? Those who live next door to me? Should I treat those who do not live next door by a different standard?
There is more to this man than this. He is being unselfish in his efforts and desparation, as am I, to help the people in Darfur, Sudan. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did working on it. Have a great day.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

For the Love of God

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Below is a copy an e-mail I received from TownHall.com. This is one of the reasons I have many problems with India:
While distributing Christian literature, Pastor M. Aharon, was mercilessly assaulted by a group of militant Hindus. He was assaulted for converting Hindus and Muslims to Christianity. His face was covered with blood from heavy blows to his mouth and nose. He survived the brutal attack at the hands of Hindu radicals in the town of Nizamabad, Andhra Pradesh, located about 300 miles east of Bombay in central India.

During this violent incident, a mob of over 100 Hindu radicals cheered and yelled in support of the attack on Pastor Aharon, inciting the rest of the crowd to turn against him. Police stood by as the extensive attack was being carried out, and the constables even prevented the pastor from escaping. Only after Aharon could barely hold himself up did police begin to escort him from the tumultuous scene.
Pastor Aharon, who has led 700 Hindus and Muslims to Christ and has established 12 churches in this community, has outraged radical Hindus and Muslims. When a VOM contact asked Pastor Aharon what was going through his mind during the attack, he said, "I remembered Christ and many others persecuted for their faith in the last twenty centuries."

Every month The Voice of the Martyrs reports on what is really happening around the world where our brothers and sisters are persecuted for their faith. Now you can receive a free subscription to The Voice of the Martyrs award winning monthly newsletter. You will be inspired, and even discover practical ways to get involved. Sign up today!
Please pray for this Pastor, that his strength is renewed everyday by the Lord Jesus Christ. God bless him. Thank you.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

When Johnny Comes Marching Home...

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I am so proud of each and every one of our brave men and women who serve this country, but are we forgetting something? Are we only caring about them while they are at war? While they are deployed? What about when they come home? Do we keep in touch? How do they adjust? These are questions that must be answered.

There is a very special lady who is reaching out to her hero after his return home in May. As an example, he is having a very hard time readjusting. Are we making it any easier with our petty bickering? Is it because of what his "team" went through over there? It may be both.

The point is, it is out there. It is known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). I do not believe anyone of us can truly understand, nor appreciate, what this is doing to our Military. To be even more specific, to one very special man.

He has a special lady, a Soldiers' Angel (please go here, and adopt a Soldier!), who has not forgotten him. How many of us do? She is still writing to him, and she is now trying to gather enough e-mails of gratitude to send him for his birthday on the 19th of this month. Is she incredible, or what?!

In his depression, she refuses to forget about him. That would be easier, no? Not for her. That would be the hardest thing for her to do. If you would like to help in this birthday e-mail gathering campaign, please go here: Happy_Birthday_Hero@yahoo.com. The deadline for all e-mails is August 11, 2006 at 6pm, because she will be going to the Post Office at 9am the next day. (The 11th is this Friday. Thank you.)

Help us to help her try to bring a brightness on his birthday. After all he has seen, he was in one of the worst areas in Iraq, he deserves our gratitude and our best. They all do.

We just to let him know that he is appreciated and not alone in this world. It may not seem like much after all he's seen, but could it hurt?

Calling all Vets! I need some advise here. What can we do once they come home? What is PTSD? What should we expect? How can we best help someone with this? What are the symptons?

We need classes and information available to all Americans on this issue. Maybe we could petition the government for some PSA's about it? I can really use your help, you in the know. Thank you for your service, thanks everyone else, and have a great day.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

FBI NationWide Alert

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The FBI has now ordered a nationwide alert pertaining to these 11 Egyptian men. They are to be detained when apprehended, but recommend that YOU do not approach them. They are wanted for questioning only at this point.

We are told that there is nothing worry about, but they may be armed and dangerous. They simply do not know. There is, however, a nationwide alert.

Do you think the FBI puts out a nationwide alert to capture just any old illegal? I dun't thin' so!

Six of the eleven have Mohammed somewhere in their five names. Seriously, do not approach these men. Call your local FBI office. If you do not have one, call the police. Thank you.

H/t to Rush and a day old CBS News report. I heard this on Rush's program, but I could not find it at the AP.

Monday, August 07, 2006

A Few Little Known (or ignored) Facts About Israel

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1. Israel became a state in 1312 BC, two millennia before Islam.

2. Arab refugees from Israel began calling themselves "Palestinians" in 1967, two decades after (modern) Israeli Statehood.

3. After conquering the land in 1272 bc, Jews ruled it for a thousand years and maintained a continuous presence there for 3,300 years.

4. The only Arab rule following the conquest in 633 bc lasted just 22 years.

5. For over 3,300 years, Jerusalem was the Jewish capital. It was never the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity. Even under Jordanian rule, (east) Jerusalem was not made their capital, and no Arab leader came to visit it.

6. Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in the Bible, but not once is it mentioned in the Qur'an.

7. King David founded Jerusalem; Mohammed never set foot in it.

8. Jews pray facing Jerusalem; Muslims face Mecca. If they are between the two cities, Muslims pray facing Mecca, with their backs to Jerusalem.

9. In 1948, Arab leaders urged their people to leave, promising to cleanse the land of Jewish presence. 68% of them fled without ever setting eyes on an Israeli Soldier.

10. Virtually the entire Jewish population of Muslim countries had to flee as the result of violence and Pogroms.

11. Some 630,000 Arabs left Israel in 1948, while close to a million Jews were forced to leave the Muslim countries.

12. In spite of the vast terrories at their disposal, Arab refugess were deliberately prevented from assimilating into their host countries. Of 100 million refugees following WW II, they are the only group to have never integrated with their co-religionists. Most of the Jewish refugees from Europe and Arab lands were settled in Israel, a country no larger than New Jersey.

13. There are 22 Muslim countries, not counting Palestine. There is only one Jewish State. Arabs started all five wars against Israel, and lost every one of them.

14. Fatah's and HAMAS' Constitutions still call for the destruction of Israel. Israel ceded most of the West Bank and all of Gaza to the Palestinian Authority, and even provided it with arms.

15. During the Jordanian occupation, Jewish Holy sites were vandalized and were off limits to the Jews. Under Israeli rule, all Muslim and Christian Holy sites are accessible to all faiths.

16. Out of 175 UNSC Resolutions up to 1990, 97 were against Israel. Out of 690 Gen.Assembly resolutions, 429 were against Israel.

(17. seems to have been temporarily misplaced. I am awaiting a response. lol)

18. The UN was silent when the Jordanians destroyed 58 Synagogues in the old city of Jerusalem. It remained silent while Jordan systematically desecrated the ancient Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives, and it remained silent when Jordan enforced Apartheid laws preventing Jews from accessing the Temple Mount and the Wailing Wall.

I would like to thank Greg Jackson for this list. I know it is out there, but I did not know where. Thank you for thinking of me. God bless your family, Kevin, and you. God bless America, and God bless all His children.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Lebanon Rejects UN Ceasefire

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The Lebanese Parliament rejected the ceasefire out of hand, saying it was not in Lebanon's best interest. Need I say more?

Saturday, August 05, 2006

This you've got to read to believe

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Religious freedom judges blast infamous Ninth Circuit

The few good judges on the West Coast’s Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals are fed up with the majority of bad judges on the bench. On Monday, five judges issued a rare public opinion -- which they want you to read -- accusing their liberal colleagues of an anti-religious bias. The five judges say the Ninth Circuit is promoting censorship by refusing to hear the appeal of a Christian high school student.

The student, Tyler Harper, was barred from wearing a T-shirt about what the Bible says about homosexualityand homosexuality, despite his Poway, California high school allowing students to wearing pro-gay shirts. Last year, Harper lost when federal judge Stephen Reinhardt of Los Angeles (who’s married to ACLU activist Ramona Ripston) said the Biblical T-shirt might “cause young people to question their self-worth and their rightful place in society.” And now, because the appeals court – the infamous Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals -- is dominated by liberals, Harper’s right of appeal has been functionally denied.

“School administrators are now free to give one side of debatable public questions a free pass while muzzling voices raised in opposition,” Judge Diarmuid O'Scannlain wrote in his August 31 rebuke of the Ninth Circuit. “No Supreme court decision empowers our public schools to engage in such censorship nor has gone so far in favoring one viewpoint over another.”

Underneath the Ninth Circuit’s series of outrageous rulings, which includes removing “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance in 2002, is a strong Democrat core. Of the 12 federal appellate court districts in the United States, the Ninth Circuit has the most Democrats. Two-thirds (16 out of 24) of its active judges were appointed by a Democrat President.

Do ya think I should have another category by the name: "Un-freakin'-believable!"?

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Beloved student leader dead due to brutal torture: Iran

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Student Committee of Human Rights Reporters

On Sunday night, July 30th, imprisoned student activist Akbar Mohammadi, who was on his 9th day of a hunger strike died of a massive coronary while in the prison shower. The prison doctors were not able to revive him. He passed away in the late hours of the night, in prison.

His body has been transferred to the coroner’s office at a hospital in the Saadatabad area of Tehran.

On Sunday, members of the Islamic parliament visited Evin prison, where Mohammadi was being detained. Mohammadi had just been returned to his cell in ward 350 after a brutal torture session where he was black and blue, swollen and bleeding from cuts he had sustained under torture; the jailors had chained him to his bed and his mouth had been gagged.

Student Committee of Human Rights Reporters and Iran Press News condemn this inhumane and barbarous act and while offering condolences to the freedom loving people of Iran holds the murderous and criminal authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran directly responsible for the death of this patriot.

He gave his life for freedom and will forever live on in Iranian history as a national hero.

Editor's Note: Reprinted here to serve the Iranian people who knew him or of him. Also, for those of us who are continuing to fight in his cause. Yes, he shall remain forever in our hearts and memories. Good-bye, dear friend. Even though we never met, I have respected and amired you. You did well.

H/T to Banafsheh.