Loving God Holy

Friday, June 30, 2006

Day 37, Villages

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Jesus went through all the towns and villages - preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. Matthew 9:35

Despite massive urbanisation, still 38% of Iran's 70 million population live in the country's 68,000 villages. Some are barely hamlets, while others are quite sizeable with up to 5,000 living in them.

To the tourist these villages can seem almost idyllic. You will see the shepherd strolling on the hills with his flock of sheep; old men sitting in the streets making shoes or a handicraft; a small group of school children dressed in a simple uniform returning home.

But behind this seeming tranquility, there are painful problems. There is wide-spread poverty, high unemployment, and very little proper health-care. In the 1960's the Shah gave a lot of land to the villages, but this led to subsistence farming as the economies of scale were too small. Then in the 1970's and 1980's, manufacturing and the construction industry in towns and cities began to boom and there was a mass exodus from rural areas as young people went in search of work. Though both Ayatollah Khomeini and now President Ahmadinejad have made promises to inject economic life into these villages, little has actually happened.

So though many people still live in rural areas, they are usually the elderly, often having to care for themselves. If there are some young people, most are unemployed and many have turned to opium or heroin to escape the monotony of life, because there is little else for entertainment.

Iran's villages are full of vulnerable people; just the sort that Jesus ministered to as he went from village to village. They are the most unreached people in the world. Thousands of them will not be able to have an internet connection or a satellite dish; they will only hear the Gospel if someone goes and tells them. So today let us with a loud voice intercede for the villages of Iran:
  • Pray that the Lord will raise up labourers who will follow in the footsteps of the Master and go and preach the Gospel in the villages. Pray they will be able to bring practical help to those who are suffering.
  • Pray for young people who have left the villages to work in cities. Pray they will hear the Gospel in the city and return to preach.
  • Pray that the light of the Gospel will dispel the deep rooted superstition in rural areas which holds people in darkness and controls many lives. Pray that fear and worry will be replaced by the liberating joy of the Lord.
  • Pray especially for the headmen and the Mullahs of the villages who have a lot of influence. Pray that they will see the light of glory of Christ and that whole villages will turn to Him.
Once again, we are so thankful for your prayers.

Click here to view today's slide show.

If you would care to see each day's pray, please visit the site of Pray for Iran. Keep these Christians in your hearts and in your prayers. Let us be the ones to help them appeal to God to heal their land, as we pray to Him to heal our own land. God bless you, and have a nice day.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Day 36 Mullahs

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"So the Word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith. Acts 6:7

About 200,000 Mullahs (Islamic clergymen) work in over 50,000 mosques and seminaries in Iran. They lead the Friday prayers; deliver sermons; officiate at weddings and funerals; and they are very active in numerous Muslim schools and charities. All of this means they have tremendous influence in the cities and particularly in the towns and villages.

As many of the government positions in Iran are held by Mullahs, some of these men are motivated by political power. However, we must remember that thousands of Mullahs are men who have never heard the Gospel and sincerely believe in the religion they were brought up with. Many have a longing to please God, and as their religion teaches, they strive to ensure that their good works outweigh their bad.

Many of these Mullahs can become obedient to the faith. Like religious men in Paul's day they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge. So today we want to pray for them with unceasing anguish in our hearts that they will understand the righteousness that comes from God and stop seeking to establish their own.

Let us go to prayer fully assured that our God is able to do far more than we ask or imagine. Let us also remember that we are praying for ordinary men with wives and children, with family problems, with financial challenges, with work pressure. They are people who face the inevitability of death with no assurance of sins forgiven.

As you pray with a loving spirit you will be part of what is probably the largest number of people to ever pray for Mullahs in Iran. So let us expect miracles and transformation in the lives of Iranian Mullahs and the masses they influence.

Lord "with one voice we pray":
  • That the Mullahs of Iran will hear the Good News. We pray that they will find copies of the Word of God, and learn about the Gospel from the Internet, Christian TV or radio programmes. We pray that they will meet and be impacted by the lives and testimonies of Christians. We ask that the Holy Spirit will speak to them in dreams and visions.
  • We pray that a large number of Mullahs and their households will become obedient to the faith. We pray that the Holy Spirit will convict them of sin, convince them that Jesus is the Son of God and give them the grace to repent and confess Him as Lord and Saviour. We pray that they will find joy and peace in Jesus and that their needs will be met.
  • We pray for the 23,000 young men and women studying Islamic theology in Islamic seminaries in Iran. We pray that as they study they will discover the freedom that comes by knowing the Truth in Christ.
Thank you so much for praying.

Click here to view today's slide show.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Day 35: Repentence

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June 28, 2006.

"O Lord, listen! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, hear and act!" Daniel 9:19

Throughout the Bible it is clear that for God to bless a nation, there must be repentance. In the book of Daniel, we see that though he himself was a godly man. Daniel identified himself with his sinful nation, and he confessed the sins of his people (Daniel 9:20). He then asked God to remember His promise and restore his nation. So with this in mind, today as Iranian Christians we would like to humble ourselves and confess the sins of our nation and ask the Lord to forgive Iran.

God has placed bountiful natural riches and resources in Iranz; enough for the nation to be a huge blessing to the region and the world. However, this is not happening. Our hearts are grieved as we think of the fact that for more than twenty-five years our nation's policy has been to declare death and curses to some other nations. Even children in our schools have been taught to chant curses to these countries.

As a result, our own people are suffering and languishing in sin, drug addiction, depression, poverty, prostitution, and economic hardship. There is moral failure, corruption and deceitfulness. Furthermore, contrary to the friendly and hospitable Iranian culture, atrocities have been committed against religious minorities and other groups including Zoroastrians, Baha'is, Christians and minority Sunni Muslims. In particular, the hatred of Jews has been fostered.

Therefore today we want to confess the sin of our nation to God and plead with Him to forgive Iran. We want to pray that in His great mercy, the Lord will reverse the situation and cause Iran to be a blessing to others. We bless other nations and pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for peace in Iran.

Please join us in prayer:

  • Pray that as Iranian Christians confess the sins of their nation, God will bring conviction and repentance throughout Iran.

  • Pray that God, in His great mercy and love will forgive and heal Iran and make the nation a blessing to other nations.

  • Pray for the establishment of the Kingdom of God in Iran - His righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
Thank you again for supporting Iranian Christians in prayer today.

Click here to view today's slide show.

If you would like to read the other days, you may go to Pray for Iran. Please continue to pray for revival in Iran. These are our brothers and sisters, and they need our prayers desparately. Let us break the backs of the mullahs who crush their spirits and bones all day long. Thank you.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Day 34, Government and people of influence

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"˜The LORD controls rulers, just as He determines the course of rivers." Proverbs 21:1 (CEV)

Today we want to pray for all those who hold public office in Iran and other people of influence in Iranian society. Though Iran is led by a Supreme Ruler who controls all the key levers of power, there are many thousands of other people who work in Iran's various branches of national and local government and they need our prayers.

The President runs the Executive branch with a cabinet of over 20 people. The "Assembly of Experts" comprises 86 "virtuous and learned" clerics who are elected for eight year terms, and their role is to appoint the Supreme Leader, monitor his performance and remove him if he is deemed incapable of fulfilling his duties.

Another key body is the Council of Guardians which comprises of six theologians appointed by the Supreme Ruler and six jurists nominated by the head of the judiciary (who is also appointed by the Supreme Ruler) and approved by parliament. This council studies and interprets the constitution and can veto parliament. They also have to approve all candidates for the Assembly of Experts and parliament.

The parliament comprises 290 officials, including women, who are elected every 4 years. Minority groups, including the Jews (1 member), Assyrians (1) and Armenians (2) have representation in parliament. The "Expediency Council," which is appointed by the Supreme Ruler, is one of the most powerful bodies in Iran and is responsible to settle disputes between parliament and the Council of Guardians and also advises the Supreme Ruler.

Apart from central government, there are also numerous people working at regional and local levels of government. They are involved in most aspects of people's lives, including business, education, transport, law enforcement, entertainment and health.

In addition to those with government positions, there are other intellectuals and opinion-makers with influence in Iran. In recent years there has emerged a growing group of intellectuals who are striving to reconcile tradition with modernity. These are people with revolutionary backgrounds who believe the regime has failed to deliver on true political liberty and social justice and are therefore trying to rethink the revolution. Though they have faced fierce opposition, their viewpoints are having an increasing impact in Iran and this can be seen in the Iranian film industry, arts, literature, as well as in the political world.

So today we want to join and pray that God will direct the rulers and people of influence in Iran.
  • Pray for all those who work in the various branches of government. Ask the Lord to bless them with His wisdom to serve the people of Iran. Pray that truth and integrity will permeate through every level of government.
  • Pray for those government officials and intellectuals who are boldly confronting injustice in Iran, and pray for protection of these individuals and their families as they face threats and opposition. Pray that God would establish his peace and good will among Iranians through the wisdom entrusted to them.
  • Pray that the Lord will raise up men and women who will champion the cause of truth and righteousness in all levels of government.
  • Pray that Iranian Christians will be able to communicate clearly to Iranian society the Biblical view of freedom, human rights, and religious liberty.
Thank you so much for praying.

Click here to view today's slide show.

This is the 34th day of committed prayer for Iran. The Christians who are doing this tremendous work can be found at Pray for Iran.org. Please visit them. There is an English version.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Day 33, Monday, June 26, 2006

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"I am 22 years old, I always watch your TV programs. I desperately ask you to show me the way to join the Christian faith and spend the rest of my life in peace and holiness, where there is no doubt."

In recent years Christian satellite TV has emerged as perhaps the most effective way of reaching large numbers of Iranians with the Gospel. Satellite dishes are very popular in Iran. Despite the fact that the government has banned dishes, there is an estimated potential 30 million viewers.

To reach this vast audience several ministries have worked to produce and broadcast Persian Christian television programs in the last few years. Now with 24 hour TV broadcasts into Iran many Iranians learn about the Christian faith in the privacy of their homes and as a result thousands are making decisions to follow Christ. Hundreds of phone calls and emails are received each month as people respond and ask questions or request Bibles and other Christian materials. Many write just to share their joy and how they found the Lord, like the young lady who wrote:
    "My sister and I became interested in Christianity through watching your programs. As a result we started researching the claims of Jesus. I have some good news: my sister and I have believed in Jesus. We love to worship Him.
For many believers, Christian TV provides their main source of teaching and encouragement for their walk with Christ and often house churches will gather around the TV. Broadcasts include preaching, Bible teaching and evangelism programs, discussion panels, leadership training, Christian worship and music videos, programs for youth and children as well as programs dubbed into Persian from other languages. But there is still a great need for more programs that will speak to the hearts of the people and that will help establish them in Christ.

So today, let us pray that God will use Satellite TV in increasing measure to reach Iran with the message of Christ:
  • Pray for all those already involved in TV ministry for Iran. Pray that they will be empowered by the Holy Spirit as they write, produce, direct and edit programs. Pray they will be led to deal with the topics and issues that will impact people in Iran. Pray the Lord will raise up more mature and anointed labourers who can develop new programs and shows.
  • Pray for families and house churches that regularly gather together to worship and learn from the Christian TV programs. Pray that they will be strengthened and will become established in the Word of God and will lead others to a saving knowledge of Christ. Pray also for isolated believers whose only church family is on the TV. Pray they will soon be able to fellowship with other believers in their communities.
  • Pray for those who live in the countryside and far reaches of Iran who have access to satellite dishes. Pray that they would stumble across Christian programming and be drawn to the love of Christ. Pray that through TV programs the Gospel will be preached into homes of unreached towns and villages. Pray that all attempts to block Christian programs will not work.
Thank you so much for praying.

Click here to view today's slide show.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Day 32, Sunday, June 25, 2006

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There are 122 cities in Iran with populations of 50,000 or more and so today we want to pray for the people who live in these cities. The four largest cities after Tehran are Mashad, Esfahan, Tabriz and Shiraz.

Mashad is Iran's second largest city with well over 2 million people. Situated in the North East of Iran, it is regarded as one of the holiest cities in the Shia world. In 823AD it was renamed Mashad (place of martyrdom) in reference to the death of Imam Reza, the eighth Imam of Shia Islam and today the city is the centre of pilgrimage for Iranian Shiite's. Before 1979 there were at least three active churches in the city, but all were forced to close. However, many God-fearing people in this city have accepted Jesus as their Saviour since then.

Esfahan is a former capital of Iran and today it is a centre of tourism. The saying in Persian goes: ˜Esfahan equals half of the world's and the city's ancient sites, beautiful handicrafts, and amazing architectural masterpieces make this a fitting epithet. In 1605 King Shah Abbas forcibly brought over 250,000 ethnically Christian Armenians to Esfahan from Armenia. They have maintained their Christian identity and contributed much to the community. The many beautiful church buildings they have constructed, 13 of which survive today, are a silent witness.

Tabriz is the largest city in North-West Iran and has a population of over 1.2 million. The city is the capital of Iranian Azerbaijan and most of its inhabitants are Azeri's, the largest minority group in Iran. There is also a small ethnic Christian Assyrian and Armenian community. Christian workers were serving in this city before the revolution and many heard the Gospel, though now the government has closed the evangelical church there.

Shiraz sits in South West Iran. The ancient monuments of Persepolis and Passargard give the city special historical significance. Shiraz has always been a fertile ground for poetry and two of Iran's greatest poets, Hafez and Sadie, are buried in this city. Before the Islamic revolution, Christian missionaries were serving in a Christian hospital and the church, and many people in Shiraz and surrounding towns have received spiritual as well as physical healing as a result of the work of these Christians.

We wish we could write about all the cities of Iran, but unfortunately that is not enough room. However, let us unite in prayer together for them all:
  • Pray for 60% of Iranians who live in urban areas. Pray for those who have heard about Christ or received a copy of the Scripture as a result of the presence of the church and Christians among them. Pray that they would be drawn to the love of Christ.
  • Pray for the Christians in different cities of Iran. Ask the Lord to give them special favour and grace to be a blessing in their communities. Pray for the growth of house churches. Also pray that new believers can come into contact with other Christians and start having fellowship with them.
  • Pray that spiritual strongholds in different cities will be broken and people will come to the knowledge of the truth. Pray also for the official churches in the cities that have been closed down by the regime. Pray that they would be allowed to re-open.
Thank you again for praying for Iran.

Click here to view today's slide show.

A Blessing

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A couple of days ago, I was stunned by a piece of mail I received. It was by my Pastor from over 2 years ago!

See, I had stopped going for a while, because I had fallen ill. Then, there was no follow-up. No one missed me. No one even knew I was gone!

Well! You can only imagine how that made me feel. I am home-bound, and no one cared. This is before my blogs. I thought I would just wait around for God to declare, "Okay, you have suffered enough. Come home!"

This obviously did not happen. Instead, what did happen, is the Pastor of my Church made an appeal to me to return to Church.

In case you are wondering what my answer to him is, it is, "YES!" I have stopped feeling sorry for myself. Someone has remembered me, and they care that I do not go to hell.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Happy Birthday USA Army and USA Flag

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Today, 231 years ago, the men (and women) of our country came together to form a more perfect Army to be honored with our blessed Flag. At that period in time, men and women understood what it meant to sacrifice for that which was worth the sacrifice. They honored each other and the United States (although she was not yet the United States). There was no shame in defending one's country, one's family, one's self.

Today, I still hold these truths to be as valuable. America is indeed beautiful, but she was purchased through the blood of many whose boots I am not worth to clean. I honor you, Military. I respect you, and I know you are the only ones standing between harm's way and me. I give you my deepest gratitude. Thank you.

We have heard so many stories about our flag. Some even try to dismiss them, while others disrespect her by setting her aflame. As you do this to a symbol that is so dear to us, please remember this: Without those whom you protesting, you would not carry the freedom with you to do such a thing. In some countries, you would receive the death penalty.
So treat her with respect. Understand that we do not worship our flag, but we love her. It was the flag who inspired Francis Scott Key on that battle at Fort Henry of the shores of Baltimore Harbor in 1812 to write our national anthem. It was the sight of our flag that let them know, that inspired them to carry on with strength, that we still held the line.

You see, if we had lost that one particular battle, we would have lost it all. So be thankful. Understand what you are doing before you do it, and thank those brave men and women whom give you the opportunity to act like an a**.


Now for some remarkable remembrances: Blackfive, Theodore's World has one for Flag Day and one for the Army's 231st Birthday and Euphoric Reality.

PS. I cannot get blogger to allow me to publish a flag. :( Sorry.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Newdow's at it Again...

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Here we go again:
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A federal judge on Monday rejected a lawsuit from an atheist who said having the phrase "In God We Trust" on U.S. coins and dollar bills violated his First Amendment rights. [continue reading]
Well, we won this round. We are going to need all of us. We cannot afford to rest on our laurels! So what is the answer?

Pray, write and call your Congressperson, and VOTE for the person who is best qualified. We need to stop voting for the person who is most likely to win. This is why we have primaries. So we the people may determine who is going to best represent us, not the politically dumb, blind and deaf! God bless you, and have a great day.

Vote on Judges, Not Flags, Say Conservatives

This story, written by Monisha Bansal of CNSNews.com, takes the words right out of my mouth.
"Our constituents will not be put off by being told that the Senate has more pressing business than judicial nominees," said Jan LaRue, chief counsel for Concerned Women for America. "We know that judges affect every area of our lives and certainly the most important issues of life, liberty and property.

"We want actions, not excuses," LaRue said at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. "If Americans continue to see obstruction and hear excuses rather than debate and votes on nominees, senators should not be surprised that come November 8, the votes they want may not be there." [continue reading]
Now doesn't that sound about right?

Update: I am aware that the link is not working as of right now. Please be patient. I have e-mailed CNSNews.com to find the URL of where they moved the actual article. I didn't want to steal it by copying the whole thing. I am not, after all, the New York Times. lol. I will post it and let you know as soon as I have it straightened out. Thank you, and God bless you.

Category: Politics & Debate.

President Bush Addresses Troops in Iraq

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Green Zone, Baghdad

In Focus: Renewal in Iraq

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Thank you for the warm welcome. Thought I'd stop in to say "hello." (Laughter and applause.) I bring greetings from a grateful nation. (Applause.) I thank you for your sacrifice, I thank you for your service, I thank you for making history.

You know, one of the things I try to do is put good people in place who accomplish hard jobs. And I can't think of two better leaders than Zal Khalilzad and General Casey to lead this important effort. (Applause.) I thank you all very much for your service to our country. Your sacrifice is noble and your sacrifice is important.

I understand long deployments are tough -- they're tough on you and they're tough on your families. And so the first thing I want to tell you is the American people are incredibly grateful for what you do, and I bring their greetings and their thanks for the sacrifices you and your family make.

These are historic times. The mission that you're accomplishing here in Iraq will go down in the history books as an incredibly important moment in the history of freedom and peace; an incredibly important moment of doing our duty to secure our homeland.

You know, right after September the 11th I knew that some would forget the dangers we face. Some would hope that the world would be what it's not -- a peaceful place in which people wouldn't want to do harm to those of us who love freedom. I vowed that day, after September the 11th, to do everything I could to protect the American people. And I was able to make that claim because I knew there were people such as yourself who were willing to be on the front line in the war on terror. [Continue reading]

Monday, June 12, 2006

Offend Christians, tough. Offend Muslims, they sue

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It is so amazingly un-American and un-democratic that I am shocked Italy would even consider the thought of hearing this case. I am very disappointed.

Oriana Fallaci's trial started today in Italy. Her charge? She wrote a book that had a few paragraphs which offended Islam. Oh? No one sued Adel Smith, president of the Muslim Union of Italy, when he called for the elimination of all Christian reminders in Italy! THAT is offensive.

Michelle Malkin has her finger on the pulse of this story. So does Robert Spencer. I wonder, where are all the free-speech activists? Where are all the women's rights activists? Where are all the media (she is a journalist)?

Another case in point. Korosh, an Iranian from Love America First, has shown us what it is truly like to fight for women's rights. Have we forgotten so quickly that not even 100 years ago we were not allowed to vote, to own property, to get a divorce, etc.? Many of these rights are new. Some of them are certainly abused, but that is the price we must pay for freedom.

After all, freedom has never been free. There has alway been a price to pay. Should the women of Iran suffer in silence because we don't want to think about them? I say, "NO." Please call your Congressperson and Senators. Express your concern. Speak up for those whom have no voice...yet. God bless you.

Need prayers quickly: Roethlisberger in bike accident

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There has been a terrible accident. Somehow, Pittsburgh's star QB was in a motorcycle accident just a few hours ago. There is no news on his condition. No one is talking. Maybe this good? They did say he was conscious when they arrived on the scene.

I know it isn't done on purpose (most of the time), but you car drivers need to LOOK when you're driving. I have almost been killed by you son's of a no-brained Mother! (It's better than what I really want to say.)

Ben is 24 years old. This is what ABC News has to say (after slurring him by saying he prefers not to wear a helmet):
In only his second year in the NFL, Roethlisberger helped guide the Steelers to the Super Bowl championship last season
I ask you, what is the importance of stating that he once commented he preferred not to wear a helmet? That is my position as well! However, I wear one. My preferences do not rule the day.

So could it be someone is looking for a new law at the expense of Ben's tragic accident, when you should actually be out there teaching people how to freakin' drive? Hmm...

Update: The Pittsburgh Channel has picked up the story. Ben is undergoing surgery as I am writing this. He has suffered a broken jaw, broke his left sinus cavity, suffered a 9-inch laceration to the back of his head, lost many teeth and has severe injuries to his knees from hitting the pavement.
"On behalf of everyone within the Steelers organization, I want to express my concern for Ben Roethlisberger. I am sure Ben knows that we are praying for his complete recovery.
It was reported that upon his arrival, he was in serious but stable condition. Keep those prayers coming!

Source: ABC News and The Pittsburgh Channel.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Sudanese Refugees Jailed in Israel

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About 220 men, women and children have escaped the genocide occurring in Sudan's Darfur region. They first went to Egypt where they were denied refugee status. Then some of them paid Bedoins to escort them to Israel. Upon arrival, once caught, they were improsed in an Israeli minimun security jail.

The reason for this is because Sudan is considered part of the Arab League, which is an enemy of Israel. However, there is a debate in Israel over whether or not these people should remain in a prison. After all, Israel, of all nations, understands better than anyone the high cost of genocide.

There are phone calls being made to third countries to try to find homes for these refugees. They need asylum. Please call your Senators and Congressperson at 1-888-355-3588, and let them know you want these people to come to America.

After all, the only thing they really want is freedom. That sacred thing we love so much we are willing to die for, or send our young men and women to die for us to preserve it.

You can read more about this situation in y-net news.com. There is also an article in CNN news.

Please pray for a swift resolution to this issue. Thank you, and God bless you.